All public authorities including dargah committeesshould "pro-actively" disclose details of employees and remunerationpaid to them, the Central Information Commission has said.
The ruling came on a petition filed by an individual against refusal
by Dargah Committee Khwaja Saheb in Ajmer for details on employeesrecruited by it.
Central Information Commissioner M M Ansari ordered the Committee toprovide the information within 15 days to the complainant.
Abdul Mugni Chisti had earlier filed an RTI with the Committee forinformation on employees recruitment and payments to them.However, Chief Public Information Officer and the appellate authorityhad refused to furnish the details citing that required informationwas not specified.
The Commission said, "respondent (dargah) should have publishedinformation relating to the details of employees so that theinformation seeker doesn't have to ask for it."The Commission also allowed Chisti to freely inspect the relevantrecords related to details of the employees including theireducational qualification, experience and as well as remuneration paidto them.
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