Myself Md।Adil Hossain of M.A(Previous) Mass Communication, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.

At a time when China is being criticized by the entire world for internet censoring and putting the activists behind the bars for blogging and commenting on websites,at a time when people even in democracies like Iran has chosen the internet as the tool to discuss their issues and grievances , the Aligarh Muslim University administration showing the medieval mindset and acting like the islamic autocratic state that it recently showed in the Dr.Siras case where they suspended him for being homosexual has placed me under suspension and ordered a campus ban for allegedly "lowered down and tarnished the image of the university by resorting to and misusing the Internet'.
Probably I am the first student in the entire country to face suspension from any educational institution( here it is one central university with a great past where its founder Sir Syed Ahmad Khan preached of "Gospel of Free Enquiry") for criticizing the present administration on account of financial bungling as proved in the Principal Accountant General Report, UP on the internet as mentioned in the suspension order.
This is a dangerous development in a democratic country like India where every citizen have the fundamental right of Freedom of Speech and Expression under 19(1)(c) of the Indian Constitution. Today If I can be suspended for writing on two Yahoo Groups viz. TheAligarhForum & WorldofAligs( Social Networking sites of AMU Old Boys with strength of more than 5000) hosted on the website groups.yahoo.com, there can be easily possible that in future student from Aligarh Muslim University can be suspended for criticizing the AMU administration on social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook or Orkut.
I am also being victimized by the AMU administration as I openly lashed out against them during the Dr.Siras controversy in most of the electronic and print media. I was one of the few who took a stand against it and today the AMU administration is taking revenge from me.
Adil Hussain, an M.A. student of Mass Communication at AMU, said: “Dr. Siras’ actions were completely in the private domain. AMU should not take a moral stand on the issue. How can one make such a decision just by seeing a video?” ....February 25, 2010, THE HINDU, http://beta.thehindu.com/news/states/other-states/article113334.ece
That is not to say there weren’t very real local influences that perpetuated the ‘don’t know, don’t care’ attitude. Adil Hossain, a first year mass communication student, attributes it to a ‘culture of fear’ that he alleges exists on campus these days: “To protest is to jeopardise your career… We are trained not to be concerned. We are taught not to raise issues because it is seen as bringing disrepute to the university.”...Manufactured Silence, OPEN MAGAZINE, 24 APRIL, http://www.openthemagazine.com/article/nation/manufactured-silence
I am also the single student who spoke out against the Local Intelligence Unit, the Official Spy Agency of Aligarh Muslim University which snoops on its students and teachers and make them victim whose role was also brought into the Dr. Siras issue. I have filed numerous RTI application on the LIU and financial bungling at AMU and I think I am also being targeted for that.
“This is not only illegal but also has become a major reason for a fear psychosis among the students about what it could do to their careers,” says Mohammed Adil Hossain, a postgraduate student of mass communications at the university. ".....OUTLOOK, MARCH 8 EDITION...http://www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?264463
Adil Hossain, a first year masters student, said: "The name of a spy agency itself creates a feeling of insecurity. And the existence of a spy unit in an educational institution creates a fear psychosis in the minds of students. Students are being implicated and suspended on the basis of false reports filed by LIU."---- The Times of India, MAY 3, 2010, ( http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Is-there-a-spy-wing-in-Aligarh-Muslim-University/articleshow/5885083.cms )
It has become a ritual at AMU that whoever speak in media against the AMU administration his career is being targeted and this time in the suspension order they have agreed that they are framing me because I have spoked in the media. Read the sentence " at the cost of personal projection and aggrandizement in the electronic media" .
I have told to the Outlook correspondent in March 8, 2010 that, “Freedom of expression and democratic representation among students is totally denied here,” says Mohammed Adil Hossain, a mass communications student"..
I had also started a newsletter MASS 2009 and as a MASS COMMUNICATION student I always take the onus of exposing the truth of the administration.
It seems that the Aligarh Muslim University is a place which do not respect the freedom of speech and expression of its student and today they have even went to the extent of suspending a student for voicing his dissent on the INTERNET.
Thanks. Please help me.
Md. Adil Hossain
M.A(Prev) Mass Communication
Aligarh Muslim University
Mobile No- 9997447287
e-mail- adilhossain43@gmail.com
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